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Thursday, August 12, 2010


For those of you who like a trip to various places and regions, prepare your journey will start to interfere. At least you'll be distracted by the hustle and bustle of the campaign, various types of billboard, banner campaigns, ads, up leaflets which would reduce the panoramic beauty of nature during our journey. Elections in various regions began to bloom implemented. And, it may take up to two or three years into the future.
As usual in the election season, poverty and kedhuafaan, suddenly going to be a theme that we often hear. The candidates competing themes of poverty, and began mematut themselves into people who care about the lives of ordinary people. No wonder, if in a city, we will find a giant billboard, with pictures of a candidate regents shouldering a hoe, carrying a scythe, standing at the edge of the humble puddle rice fields. He mematut themselves into the figure of the leader, who will defend the farmers.

Elsewhere, the region scavengers, and the market became a favorite place disambangi slum candidates. The candidate, do not hesitate to spread saweran sympathetic, asked this and that, memorize the prices chili, and daily necessities. In a day imaged himself as the candidate who is close to people's lives and economic realities. All candidates for the leader when it hopes to legitimacy as a leader who cares about the little guy, and close to the periphery.

Portrait of the periphery. Like in the song Franky Sahilatua, is that they spread on the sidewalk, at the terminal and crowded city bus. They picked up bread from the market hall, the terminal up to a pile of garbage. They are also scattered in hamlets and rural poor. In the rice paddies barren patch of their lives to earn a livelihood.

People like their suburbs, turning the economy without access to much less capital support facility. They continue to be poor papa, because indeed there was never a serious leader who raised the dignity of their lives. They, those suburbs, often dielukan in the party elections, but also often left behind after the power terengkuh leaders. Yet from among the candidates they vote to legitimize the pan leaders win as leader.
The elections is a pretext to find a leader. Some of us will surely follow. Apart from saturation, like it or not involved in the process of the event, the election is the moment of choosing leaders. We will face the choice of how we should elect a leader. No religion teaches us our duty to elect a leader among us. As word of the Apostle of Allah.: "Not allowed three people who were in the wilderness area but if they picked one of them as leaders." (Ahmad).

We have the opportunity and authority to select, even chose a leader who meets the requirements of leadership as taught our religion. But the problem that often occurs is that we hardly find a leader who we expect, even more often we choose leaders who are not only oblivious to our message, but had not really want to know the tasks and mandate that he hopes the waistband of your selection.

But we all should not lose hope, our minimum obligation is to seek and choose the best according to our conscience. It is not possible someday we find, and appointed a leader who truly became caliph for all of us. Hopefully we can sort out which of our leaders are truly on the outskirts of polite, and where a leader who makes the suburbs as a foothold grabbed power. God willing, good leaders will we get. Amiin.

*) Kusnandar is Director of Strategic Service Dhuafa Wallet.

(Vit / vit)
translated by: Budi R. Sidik


Alhamdulillah, today we were given the opportunity by God Almighty to meet with the principal and the moon is so very precious, that is the holy month of Ramadan. We're in Wallets Dhuafa say, congratulations pilgrimage fasting of Ramadan 1431 AH May Allah swt make us as a servant of the cautious and always given the opportunity to increase piety in the future.

In the month of Ramadan, we are very encouraged reproduce infak-dole, give assistance to the destitute, poor, and people in need, providing assistance for infrastructure development of religion, donates to orphans, and even give alms to break the fast (ifthar). Prophet said, "Seutama-main charity, is in the month of Ramadan," (Reported by Imaam Tirmidhi).

Indonesia, as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, still faces a variety of humanitarian issues, particularly issues of poverty and low education. Related to this, the right would, if Wallets Dhuafa takes the theme of this Ramadan 'Zakat for the nation'. Dedication and commitment during this Dhuafa Wallet to efforts to empower poor communities to reach a peak, especially during Ramadan

May Allah swt give spaciousness sustenance for us in the month of Ramadan, so that, in addition able to do much for others, we also help the brothers compatriot water to rise out of poverty. And Allaah knows best bi-Shawab ash.

*) Yuli Pujihardi is Director of Communications and Fund Raising Sources Dhuafa Wallet. (GST / nvt)
translated by: Budi R. Sidik

The Meaning of Ramadan

The Meaning of Ramadan

Ahmad Juwayni - from: detikRamadan

To understand the meaning of Ramadan, we can trace from a variety of designations attached to the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is also known by many names designation. All this name shows on the meaning of Ramadan.

Among the various names that are often used to describe the month of Ramadan is:

1. Syahrut-MT (Education Month)

Ramadan called syahrut Tarbiyah or month of education, because this month we are trained by Allah SWT. Like eating in a timely manner so that our health intact. Or we are taught by Allah in order to set the time in our lives. When meal time, when it works, when it breaks and when time of worship. We are also trained to be patient with hunger and thirst.

2. Syahrul Jihad (Month earnest and Fight)

During the war many of the Prophet actually happened during Ramadan and it was all won by the Muslims. The most important thing for us now in the month of Ramadan is the jihad against our own desires, so we still mean it runs kita.Kita activities required to continue to be able to resist our passions that will plunge us in the vices and humiliation.

3. Syahrul Quran (Koran Months)

Al-Qur'an was first revealed during Ramadan and this month we are encouraged to read and study the contents of the Koran so that our ideology and understand about the rule of God contained therein. By reading the Qur'an in Ramadan, we will get a double reward from Allah SWT.

4. Syahrul Ukhuwah (Month Brotherhood)

In this month we feel very ukhuwah among the Muslims are very closely interwoven with the always interact in the mosque or the mosque for prayers melakkukan congregation.

And among the neighbors also deliver food to each other so fast among the Muslims felt once our togetherness and unity. We must take advantage of Ramadan to reproduce this relationship in order to improve the fraternity.

5. Syahrul Worship (Moon Worship)

Ramadan is also called the month of worship because this month we do a lot of rites of worship obligatory sunnah as well as voluntary prayer Dhuha, rawatib and tarawih or qiyamullail and tadarusan al-Qur'an. Even meniatkan that we too must work for a living also is worship. Included in our worship is serious in developing and improving the life of the nation.

6. Syahrul Muwasah (Month HELPFUL)

Referred to the month of Ramadan bring relief, because this month we are encouraged to give alms to many people who can not afford. In this month we are encouraged to give a lot of fast food to people who are fasting, especially for poor people. At the end of Ramadan, we are obliged to issue a tithe as falsifies our Ramadan fasting. Helping people who are experiencing difficulty in Ramadan has a high reward value.

*) Juwayni Ahmad is Executive Director Dhuafa Wallet.

(GST / nvt)

translated by: Budi R. Sidik
